Mike Pondsmith moved Cyberpunk into the 2020s for the second edition, with this updated setting came new world events, technology and characters also as greatly expanding the prevailing world. The setting of Night City became a real-world instead of the ambiguous near-future city of Cyberpunk 2013 and lots of the firms received fully full-clad histories and names for high-level members.
The Cyberpunk 2020 rulebook included almost everything from the first edition from the 5e character roles to the Never dissolve adventure with Johnny Silverhand. After the widespread publication of the book, the first edition, Cyberpunk 2013 became obsolete and Cyberpunk 2020 took its place because the primary way to play the game.
Cyberpunk PDF

- Hardcover: 368 pages
- Publisher: Piggyback; Collectors edition (September 17, 2020)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1911015761
- ISBN-13: 978-1911015765
- Product Dimensions: 8 x 10.9 inches book
- Name: Scary stories to tell in the dark pdf
- Author: Alvin Schwartz
- Language: English
- Publisher: Scholastic
- Publication Date: January 1, 1981
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Cyberpunk 2077 the videogame is going to be set within the world of Mike Pondsmith’s tabletop Cyberpunk RPGs, originally published by R. Talsorian in 1988 with a definitive second edition called Cyberpunk 2020 in 1990 (though there was the third edition it’s since been declared non-canon). Working alongside CD Projekt Red, a replacement edition that bridges the gap between those games and therefore, therefore, the videogame has been made and the first set of books is out now.
The Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit may be a beginner’s version of the new game, like the Starter Set for Dungeons & Dragons. It’ll be followed by a full rulebook later and is meant to induce new players up and roleplaying. It contains six pre-generated characters, with options for personalizing them including lifepaths that flesh out their backstories, a rulebook with the basics of combat, net running, and so on, and a workbook that contains an introductory scenario and describes the setting because it is within the year 2045.
Character Roles
To start playing, first one must create their character. A Cyberpunk on the mean streets of Night City, working for whoever pays best, taking down local gangs or rising against multinational conglomerates, whatever it’s you’ll be got to prepare accordingly. In both Cyberpunk 2013 and 2020, there are nine primary character roles, each filling a selected niche. within the subsequent sourcebooks, many of those roles were greatly expanded upon to offer location or scenario-specific alternates.
The first printing of Cyberpunk 2020 was published in 1990 and like Cyberpunk 2013, came as a boxed set, featuring dice, version 1.00 rule-book and therefore the scream sheet supplementary booklet.
A Year later in 1991 the version 2.00 edition was released. it’s assumed that this was just the standalone book release after the initial run of the box set. The Screamsheet booklet was included as a part of the book.
Two years later in 1993 R.Talsorian Games published their 2.01 version of the core rulebook. Included are the spreadsheets and character sheets as spelling and grammatical error fixes. the most important new addition is the new artwork from the Italian printing of the book by Stratelibri. Creator Mike Pondsmith thanks Stratelibri also because the team and artists that put it together.
After the 2013 reveal of the Cyberpunk 2077 game, R.Talsorian Games began production on a replacement printing of the Cyberpunk 2020 book. The new printing of the book is actually the two .01 version with slightly altered cover art. The book subtitle was changed to The Classic Role-Playing Game of the Dark Future, the sign advertising the new artwork was removed, and therefore the two horizontal white bars were faraway from around the logo.
With the discharge of the primary edition, Cyberpunk 2013, R.Talsorian Games also produced several supplementary sourcebooks, to offer players a touch bit more information on certain aspects of the game. Only four were produced and were nothing quite small, magazine-sized booklets. within the coming years after 2020s initial release, dozens of Sourcebooks would be produced, detailing all aspects that weren’t covered by the first rulebooks. Everything from guides to nighttime City, America, and therefore the Far East, to detailed reports on the varied Corporations, also as several catalog-style books, giving players more choice in their fashion, technology, and weapons.
Cyberpunk 2020 posits a future where rock & roll remains the soundtrack of rebellion, and “rocker boys” like Johnny Silverhand are important countercultural figures. They were even a playable character class. within the trailer, for Cyberpunk 2077 we see posters and newspaper headlines a few performers named Lizzy Wizzy, the chrome-skinned mohawk lady we also see stepping out onto a red carpet, so while rockers like Silverhand would be as old because the Rolling Stones by now, maybe a replacement generation is filling that gap. Albeit we will not play as a rocker boy or rocker girl this point, they’d bring interesting NPCs.
The only hint we get within the trailer of America beyond Night City maybe a glimpse of a few of hillbillies, one holding a neon shotgun. In Cyberpunk 2020 there is a whole world out there, sprawling cities separated by a full-on Mad Max highway nightmare wasteland populated by packs of travelers called nomads (many of whom are displaced farmers began their land by corporations). it might be a shame to possess a sweet car and not have a minimum of a touch little bit of highway to check its limits on.
Though we’ll all be playing a protagonist called V in CD Projekt’s game, we’ll be ready to personalize them because of a “backstory creator”. within the tabletop game, character creation included a system called Lifepaths, a group of flowcharts from which you’ll choose or roll dice to randomly determine everything from your Childhood Environment and Most Valued Possession to your Tragic romance. While it might be a touch much to include all that detail during a relevant way during a videogame (you could finish up with a family “cursed with a hereditary feud that has lasted for generations” for instance), a trimmed-down equivalent would be a fun thanks to making V our own.
Our adventure took us everywhere Night City, from an expensive apartment up within the hills to the town center and into the insanely dangerous combat zone, and introduced us to a number of untamed factions and characters (including but not limited to a gang of particularly crazy Gilligan’s Island cosplayers). While we’re sure there’ll be major differences between the tabletop experience of 2020 or 203X and Cyberpunk 2077, it had been a superb time and an excellent way to immerse ourselves within the unique type of the Cyberpunk world.